I hold experience coaching a wide range of individuals
My background is in the NHS specialising in Project and Programme Management. In this time, I've coached and mentored numerous individuals to change career paths, succeed in their current roles and deliver and implement large scale projects affecting thousands of patients lives.
In 2022, I added to my coaching qualifications by becoming an ICF approved Coach, bringing a credible and structured framework to my coaching approach when working with individuals. I also hold experience in supporting small businesses from start-up / launch and attracting investment to enable organic growth.
I'm a positive, easy-going coach with an informal, yet professional manner. I guide, support and challenge clients to achieve their goals and work best with clients who are serious about making a change to their careers and pursuing a life worth living.

Why Me?
Maybe you fell into your current role following University but don’t believe it’s the career you want to spend the rest of your life in. Perhaps you feel demotivated and stuck in your job and unsure how to pivot to a new career.
I offer a comprehensive coaching programme that is specifically designed to take you through a coaching process to; identify your core values & beliefs, establish your key skills & traits, explore your dream working environment, working day and work life and then implement actionable steps to bolster your career development and find your dream role and make it a reality!